Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy 2008!

I am more than happy to welcome the new year. 2007 was a good year because it brought Michael home to us after serving an honorable mission to New England, Mallory graduated from Alta High School, and we are all healthy and have been blessed in many ways. However, my heart is still hurting for the loss of my dear sister Jennifer. She died on May 8, 2007 and it was a death that shouldn't have happened. There was so much she could have done to prevent her death, however, she didn't know. Melanoma is sneaky and relentless and once it grabs hold of you, it doesn't want to let go. She fought hard and she fought well. I am so proud of her. She died with dignity and with love and it gives me great peace knowing that she is with my Mother and she is also able to watch over her children in ways she couldn't while living. It is my goal with my family to keep them educated on how deadly the sun can be, especially since we go to Bear Lake so often in the Summer, and tanning beds are just as bad. Get your moles checked!! Please lets do all we can from letting this happen to anyone else we love. We also lost another loved one in our family this year. Ronnie Douthitt died in October. Ronnie is my sister Kay's husband and they live in Bogata, Texas. His death was unexpected and very devastating to Kay and their children. I hope that Kay will find the peace and comfort she needs in this new year. We love you Kay! I hope that all my family and friends will have a happy, healthy, and blessed new year!


Lorna said...

Happy New Year! We have so much to be thankful for and I want to start by saying how much I love my family, parents, brothers, sisters, etc. I am so blessed in so many ways and am so grateful for the blessings the Lord has poured down on us. Our families have certainly had our share of trials and heartaches but we must always look at them as learning opportunities and growing experiences. It was hard watching Jennifer go through her illness and losing her in May, but we are very blessed to know that we are an eternal family and that we will see her again with the rest of our families that have preceeded us. I appreciate your example, Wendy. You are so strong and so compassionate and are always there for everyone. I really look up to you in so many ways and am so happy to be your sister. I love you! I really look forward to going to SC at the end of the month with you. We are going to have a great time.

Unknown said...

Wendy, I feel your sentiments exactly. It is kind of strange going into a new year without Jennifer. I think about her so often, matter of fact, it is my thoughts of her that are helping me get through my own trials. I see all she endured and kept a smile on her face. Well, if she could do that with the worst possible circumstances, then I know I can get through all the changes in my life.
I am very thankful for you, Lorna, Cookie, Kelly, Kay, and Belinda...we are sisters forever. We are very blessed to have such a loving and supportive family and I look forward to going through this year with all of you.

love you all,