Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas 2007 at the Hanson's

We had a very nice Christmas this year. It was the first year that we had to wake up the kids. It was almost 8:00 a.m. when I woke them. We were shocked because they told us the night before that they would wake us up at 6:00 a.m. I am not complaining. It was nice to sleep in on Christmas morning for a change. However, I do miss the magic of Christmas when the children were younger and were true believers. I guess I will have to wait for grandkids to enjoy that magic again. This is a picture of the traditional Christmas Eve Pajamas. They love making the traditional pose every year.

Christmas Morning the kids are waiting in the hall to come into the Living Room to see if "Santa" came. It is tradition to come in starting with the youngest child. Doesn't Michael (1st Christmas home after his mission)look thrilled?

Rock Band! They played this all morning!

Troy even got into the Rock Band. There is a part of him that will never grow up. That's okay....