Saturday, August 29, 2009


Last night I was searching the internet for LDS Humor to find a joke to put in our Relief Society Newsletter. While searching I found this cute little story about a woman and her ward testimony meeting.

“My wonderful ward, bless its heart. The same motley crew gets up every single month to bear their testimonies. A few of us who are too chicken to ever go up to the pulpit will every-so-often sit together or in proximity to each other and draw blank tic-tac-toe boards. Instead of X's and O's, we write the names of people we think will get up in each square. We then black out the square if the corresponding person gets up to bear his or her testimony. First player to get 3-in-a-row "wins". Yeah, I agree that this seems pretty "sacrilegious", but I still get a lot out of these meetings, I swear I do”.

By Anonymous

I hope I didn't give you all any new ideas for church next week. I already had a friend write me after I emailed it to her and said that she was for sure going to try it. She has a lot of "The Usuals".