Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Have you ever wondered what your name meant? Well, last year Cameron had to do some research on his name and what it meant and what country it came from. So, with the use of the Google Search we found this website. However, Cameron was extremely upset to find out what his name meant. We all had a good laugh over it but he didn't think it was so funny. His name is from Scottish descent and it means "Crooked Nose". I know it is so sad for Cameron but we thought it was hysterical. Cameron did end up laughing over it. We told him he didn't need to worry because he doesn't have a crooked nose. The website is When you get the chance, go and see what your name means. While I'm at it, I'll tell you what mine means. It is an English name here is the meaning:

"Probably first used in J. M. Barrie's play 'Peter Pan' (1904). It was from the nickname fwendy "friend", given to the author by a young friend. However, there is some evidence that the name may have been used prior to the play, in which case it could be related to the Welsh name GWENDOLEN and other names beginning with the element gwen meaning "white, fair, blessed".

I'm okay with it. We all know it could definitely be worse. (Crooked Nose) :(


The Gerald's said...

Okay did I love this site!!!!! I went and checked out all our names. Big suprise that mine wasn't a name all by itself right??? It comes from ANNA which originally came from Hannah from the bible. Kinda cool!!! Then I had to go check out our surnames too!!! I enjoyed a smile on a few of them but for the most part we are boring. except for the name picked out for my granddaughter which is a version of our youngest sons as well. It means "dew from God". Anyway, thanks for sharing!!! I had fun. Can't wait to show the kids.--Nina

Jim and Shirley McGuire said...

Okay, I have to agree with the white, fair, and blessed. You are all of those things. Just don't let it go to your head. Maybe the crooked nose thing will keep you humble. That is a hoot! Cookie