Thursday, January 1, 2009


I hope that everyone had a great 2008 and that 2009 will be even better. I am not going to make resolutions though. I've learned from the past that it doesn't do me any good. So good luck to all of you who have set goals and I hope that you will be successful. Now, If I were to make 5 year resolutions that would be easier. To see Michael and Mallory graduate from college. See Cameron graduate from high school and go on a mission. Maybe have Michael and Mallory married and working on making me a Grandma. ( I am going to be the best Grandma someday.) I guess those aren't exactly personal goals but my goals for my family. I should add that I hope that Troy and I will have good health to enjoy these future events.


gotta go girl said...

I hate New Years Resolutions too. Same old stuff that never happens. Be healthy. Lose weight. Have a clean and organized home. Read my scriptures daily with self and family. What a failure I am! So I think I will take your lead. No goals for me this year!

LiNdS said...

You really will be the cutest Grandma ever! If you need some practice while you wait you can come visit us over here! I forgot to tell you... but those little bags with lights in them were SO CUTE! Where do you come up with ideas like that? You are so clever.