Friday, January 9, 2009


We took a family trip to Island Park and Yellowstone because we had free use of a condo in Island Park. It was a little cold to be there and it wasn't quite tourist season yet. So a lot of places were closed. But we had a great time. This is a picture of the kids enjoying the big buffalo. Of course I made them get out of the car and pose. (How did I know that someday I would want to blog these pictures?) This is also the time when Michael was flirting with a waitress at this hole in the wall restaurant. He nonchalantly put his arm out over a chair (trying to look really cool) and acting very suave asked, "Do you, um, have free refills?" She just looked at him as if her were crazy but she did smile..... We laughed and laughed and we have given him such a hard time about that. Feel free to tease him anytime. He loves it! He will probably kill me though. Check the obits for my name. :)


gotta go girl said...

We've never stayed in Island Park. I have heard of so many people that love it there. We have talked about going but NO ONE HAS OFFERED US A FREE CONDO! Next time you have that dilemma let us take it off your hands for you. You are free to borrow our tent in exchange and it can go ANYPLACE you want!

Wendy said...

It was Troy's boss back then who had the timeshare and he wasn't using it so he gave it to us. Sorry, or I would be happy to hook you up if I didn't hook myself up first. You would love it there. It really is pretty. It's very close to Yellowstone too. If you like to snowmobile, now would be a good time to go. It would be way too cold for me. You wouldn't want to take a tent there. Too many bears!