Sunday, August 3, 2008

Re: The Host and other stuff...

Thanks ladies for your sympathy and should have's. Next time I will know better. Just tell me what is the best thing to do for when the movie comes out? Pre pay for the tickets early? What's the earliest you can buy your tickets? We all need to do this together so we can all go together and make it our girls date night. I know Troy has NO interest in seeing the movie. Anyway, regarding "The Host" I loved it! It was totally different than what I expecting but it was great. I did cry a little bit but not much. It was just a great story of about selfless love. Putting other's happiness above your own. This book would make a great movie too. Do you think there will be a sequel to this book? I think there should be. There is so much she can do with it. So, if you haven't read it yet it is a must. I give it 2 thumbs up, 4 stars or whatever else the critics use for a great book. I didn't even think the middle was too terrible. It still held my interest. So those of you with your books "Breaking Dawn", enjoy them and think of poor Lynnie, Laura and myself waiting patiently for the USPS, or UPS, (whatever) to deliver ours. Lisa, I can't believe that it is just sitting on your night stand. That is just sick and wrong! (I know you work so I won't be too hard on you). Love you all!



Tay said...

Yes! The Host is a really good book! I read it when Jordynn was at the lake with you guys. I was super glad she made it end happily, but even if it had anded the way it sounded like it was going to I could have come to terms. It would have become Literature to me, as opposed to the literature that it is. And i love both.