Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Bear Lake Family Weekend and Brown Reunion Weekend

Okay, we had a great time at Bear Lake this year. We wish that more family could have come but we still had a good time anyway. We aren't sure if we are going to do it next year because of the lack of interest this year. So might change it to every other year. We'll see. Anyway, the weather was pretty good. It wasn't too hot up there and the we all had fun on the boat and jet ski's. I am a little paranoid about being in the sun too much so Lorna, Annette and I sat under an umbrella that Jeremy and Brooke brought. Lorna held little Boston while he slept so that Jeremy and Brooke could enjoy the water. It was fun. I wish I would have taken more pictures but Mallory had my camera on the boat most of the time. I need to thank Gary for washing the windows on the outside of the cabin. It really made a big difference. Also for cleaning up under the kitchen sink after he fixed the clogged drain. You are the man and I owe you a yummy Caramel Apple. Thanks to Whitney and Katie for the Jet Ski's which were awesome. Michael brought up two of his friends Blake Tracy and Morgan Mower. They were going nuts because they didn't have cell phone service at Bear Lake and they weren't able to call their girlfriends. It was getting beyond ridiculous but as far as verizon goes, they weren't backing up those boys that weekend. They were a little dissappointed. So they used mine and Michael's phones to talk to their girlfriends at least 6 or 7 times a day. Mallory brought her boyfriend Gabe, (they have been going out for a couple of months.) We all had a good time and I appreciate the help with cleaning the cabin before we went home. It was so great to get away from home not have to worry about anything. I needed it because the next few weeks I am totally working on our Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation that we are having on the 30th of this month. Wahoo! I'll be one happy woman to have that done and overwith. AT the Brown family reunion, Michael brought up his new girlfriend who he had known only 5 days at the time. She is a sweet young woman and a lot of fun. She can also put Michael in his place. It's great! So, I hope you enjoy the pictures we took of our weekends at Bear Lake. Unfortunately they are all of Mallory and Michael and their significant others. I love you all and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Be Happy!