Thursday, June 14, 2007

Elder Hanson Homecoming

Michael is flying home on Saturday June 30th at WE ARE SO EXCITED! If you want to go to the airport to welcome him home contact me and I'll give you the details. Anyway, he will be speaking in church on Sunday July 8th at 9:00 a.m. at the church up the street from our house. We hope that all of you will be able to come. I know he will be so excited to see all the family and friends. :)


Lorna said...

good grief! where has time gone. It seems like he hasn't been gone that long, but time does fly by faster as we get older....hate to admit that...but it's true..I am getting old.
He looks so cute...what a handsome young man he has become...not that he wasn't already know what I mean! can't wait to see him.

HayleeBean said...

Hey ooooo!

Congrats, man that flew by (at least for me). I bet you're super excited! Fun Blog!

The Larsen's said...

yeah!! I wont be able to come up but I am hoping to be up there for chunks wedding! cant wait to see all of you!!