Saturday, November 28, 2009


Okay, I know that a lot of people are sick of hearing or reading about "New Moon" so this will be the last time I mention those two words on this blog. (I hope). But, I saw the movie twice and when I saw it the first time I came away liking it. Not loving it. Then I went to see it again and I liked it more. I stopped trying to compare it with the book and decided that the movie was better than the book. The special effects were amazing. Jacob might be really cute and as Bella said, he is really "Buff", but I am still Team Edward. I wish that he would work out a little more. Work on those abs like Jacob did. So, if you are still debating on whether or not to go and see the movie? I say DO IT! It is better than Twilight. You will be entertained for a couple of hours and please don't forget the popcorn with extra butter. :)


Brooke said...

did you just like it better the 2nd time cause i wasn't there???