Friday, March 13, 2009


If I remember right, this picture was a real pain in the butt because of dear sweet Cameron. The photographer was trying to so hard to get Cameron to smile and he just wouldn't do it. Cameron was in a very grumpy mood. Notice the toy in Cameron's hands, it was a last second bribe to make him behave and he had to take it quick because the moment didn't last long. Wow, I'm glad those days are behind me.

Mallory (61/2) Cameron (1) Michael (almost 9)


gotta go girl said...

Oh, that joyful age when you really want the photos and they won't cooperate. My mom has a classic one of Amy holding a ratty doll with my mom's hand trying to snatch it, just as the picture is taken. I have one of the twins where you can't see me but they are both on my lab and the photographer had to say 1-2-3 then a fell backwards. My stomach muscles were sore that day! Like doing sit ups over and over. Memories. Thanks for sharing. Cute picture!

Laura said...

What do you mean those days are behind you? Cameron's still grumpy isn't he?