Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We finally went to the Draper Temple Open House. It was so awesome! We took Mallory and Cameron with us. (Michael had too much homework, whatever.) Cameron and Troy had already been through before so as Cameron was pushing me in the wheelchair and he was pointing out some interesting facts about the woodwork and the chandeliers and the font among other things. I was so impressed that he really paid so much attention the first time he went. But overall going to the open house was a great experience. It is a beautiful temple and I couldn't help but wonder if my kids would choose to get married in that Temple or the Traditional Salt Lake Temple. I also can't believe that I am old enough to have children who are old enough to get married. Where did the time go? Going through the temple today was another reminder of how much I love the gospel. To know that without these temples, we couldn't be with our families forever. I can't imagine not having my husband and children with me forever. So, I hope you all get a chance to go to the Draper Temple Open House.


gotta go girl said...

I agree. It was beautiful and is so special to go with our kids! I am also excited for the dedication. Of course Hannah made me laugh too. of the big tent: Is this the outhouse or something? Of the font: So why is there a big bathtub sittin' on a bunch of cows? Oh my. Why do I have such blasphemous children? And they don't even mean to be.

Wendy said...

Nat, I think your children are truly gifted because they think of such great questions or make great comments. Hannah does have a good point too. Think about it. A girl at that age, I would probably wonder the same thing. Heck with symbolism and all that. Kids just don't get it until we explain it to them and it still might be over their heads. I love inquisitive kids. They will be geniuses. I predict it. I don't think they are blasphemous, just blasfunny. (huh?) They are cute and I love how you can remember everything they say. Way to go Mom! Keep it up. We find it all very entertaining.